The water leak system comprises of a Master Water leak detection panel (SY-3618), Distance locator Slave modules (MD-450), sensor cable (Synopsys WD-AS) and alarm sounders. The Water leak detection sensor cable typically used to detect water leaks in critical rooms to monitor leakage and to extend alarm to the BMS.
The MD-450 is locally placed in the Server rooms, and communicates with the Master Synopsys Panel through RS-485. It serves as an interface between the Master and the Sensor Cable. The Master panel SY-3618 is to be installed in the BMS room. The master panel will communicate with the clients BMS integration PC-side software using Modbus. The panel will activate a common sounder once the leak/fault is detected. The Master is equipped with a touch screen display and will display the name of the slave and the distance where the leak is been detected in meters.